An image of the General Public, Gene Simmons from Kiss and a scene from Scooby Doo


What have the Great British public, Kiss and all the villains in Scooby Doo got in common? We all got unmasked in the end. Last month Boris announced the lifting of Plan B Covid19 restrictions. Many people breathed a sigh of relief, which probably immediately fogged up their glasses. And, as a shop fittings manufacturer,…

A black bra next to a face mask next to a pair of blue checked boxer shorts

Face masks

Face masks and shopping. As a shop fittings supplier to the bricks and mortar retail market Dymond Engineering has a keen interest in our high streets and malls remaining full, profitable, and of course safe. There have been mixed reactions to the news that face masks are mandatory again in shops and shopping centres.  Masks…

Image showing a street with local shops

Our local economy.

Passionate supporters of our local economy. At Dymond Engineering we are vocal about UK business and bringing manufacturing back to Great Britain through re-shoring. We are also passionate supporters of our local economy. Dymond always employs and buys locally whenever possible. Although we know it’s the right thing to do, any positive financial impact has…